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FM2018 国外玩家对希望出现的新特性的心愿清单

发布时间:2019-09-24 16:10   文章来源:11人足球
浏览次数:       评分:2

  本文转自国外著名的FM Scout网站,该站每年都会在站内统计各FM玩家对即将发布的新版本有什么新特性心愿,而今年国外的玩家会对FM2018有什么愿望呢?大家不访来看看有没也是你想要的。

  首先如你所知,足球经理游戏系列的新版本发布都是在10月下旬/ 11月初发布的。



  这可以是面试,每几周发生一次的工作人员会议,在比赛后与玩家交谈,或者您的助理处理新闻界。迪伦·詹森(Dylan Jensen)

  -俱乐部教练和官员的个人个性更多与AI游戏中的AI教练进行更好的互动。给他们一个个性的游戏,让他们在游戏,采访中,以及俱乐部的球员和工作人员表达。我们需要更好的互动。在我们的后台工作人员更多的个性将会为经验开辟一个全新的元素,谈论球员,比赛和训练与一个可以公开形成自己的意见的人将会大大提高员工素质的现实主义。麦格雷特·舒格(Mcgrath Shug)


  -更多的媒体炒作反对事件事件更多的需要在媒体上完成,当涉及小型俱乐部赢得主要的奖杯或得到一个小狗推动,应该是更大的事情,目前没有如果我与Man Utd赢得CL,或者如果我与Burnley赢了,那就是差异。媒体需要更多地参与游戏与上述问题,显示震撼和撰写有争议和惊人事件的报告。各种媒体报道和与游戏中的事件相关的文章可能会让管理人员更多地参与媒体。Ryan O Donnell

  -更现实的社交媒体处理媒体需要改进,社交媒体方面需要升级,我有一个玩家在一场比赛中得分7个进球,还有2个人在社交媒体上抱怨他。Manuele Celestiale

  -改版媒体擦拭所有新闻发布会,并从头开始创建一个新的。目前的系统不是沉浸式的,你已经记住了两个游戏中的每个可能的问题和答案。马特·拉什顿(Matt Rushton)



战术改进的范围可以从确定某些角色到为玩家追踪更多的指导。任何与此相关的任何东西都在下面。Mark Urban Elvis



任何可以改进游戏中某些功能的内容,包括错误,缺乏某些事物或异常。史蒂文•安德鲁斯(Steven Andrews)

  -长期的管理生活跨越小俱乐部的耐心。我得到别墅到第八,被解雇没有达到我的目标,符合欧罗巴联赛的资格。今年的管理人员似乎比正常人更加频繁地放弃了他们的职责,并且可能会在即将到来的FM中改进SI。经理可以在一个季节给予更多的耐心和安全,而不是早日被解雇,或者如果他们未能通过微小的利润实现目标。Ian Beal



与AI的行为和想法在你的游戏有关。这可以是在游戏中,转移或任何其他形式的AI互动。John D.HernándezRey



  -包括经理人员/谈判者经理也需要像现实生活中的代理人。我肯定也希望你有Jorge Mendez为我做所有的合同谈判。为什么我匆忙寻找工作和做合同谈判最终被给予较低的工资相比,其他游戏经理谁甚至不接近你所取得的成就。路易·金


  -对经营俱乐部的财务方面有更大的影响为了在游戏的商业方面有更多的控制权。例如,经理可以参与挑选赞助商和其他类似的事情。更多地参与游戏的财务方面,我们更多的控制,并使游戏的这一方面更重要和常规的玩家。控制剩下的财务实际上将有助于大规模地运行俱乐部,并可以改善青年,训练和体育场馆的设施。Cho Chon


  -更多管理国际管理深度国际管理需要做的更多的工作,就是当时的娃娃。需要能够在国际赛事和杯赛前一周训练球员。Colm Kilbane-更现实的球员问题很想看到更多的场外争议影响球员。让玩家在游戏中的问题使得足球经理的体验更加现实,处理保持玩家行为的问题,并在球场上管理自己的生活。弗兰克·林恩



Hello FM Scout and welcome to this year's wishlist article. As you know, the next iteration of the Football Manager game series is traditionally released around late October / early November.

The summer is upon us, so it's time for us FM fans to start anticipating this year’s release which promises to be bigger and better than FM17.

As always, we would love to know what YOU think should be included, so we asked our followers on social media to help us kickstart this FM18 Features Wishlist!

FM17 dropped with a high level of promise and intrigue surrounding just how influential the new features would be, but as always the community has been vocal in regards to the aspects of the game that need further polish.

So far, we have received hundreds of comments on social media and here on the site. We hope that many more of you will voice your opinions about what you want in the game. Get your opinion across by leaving a comment here or on the appropriate thread in the forums; FMFM 2018 - Changes you want to see.

We have picked out the most creative and interesting comments you posted. Thanks to all commenters whose thoughts are being used in this article. Please keep in mind some comments have been slightly edited for either grammatical purposes or to keep the sense of a certain subject.

Community Feedback on FM18 Features

Player/Staff Interaction
This can be interviews, staff meetings that occur every few weeks, talking to a player after a match or your assistant handling the press.

Dylan Jensen - More individual personality for club coaches and officials
Also to interact better with the AI coaches in the game. Give them a personality in the game and let them express it during games, interviews, and to the players and staff of clubs. We need better interaction. Having more personality in our back room staff will open up a whole new element to the experience, talking about players, matches and training with someone who can openly form their own opinions will go a long way in improving the realism of the staff feature.

Mcgrath Shug - More wriggle room when it comes to addressing people in-game
Better comments to answer media questions better things to say to the players on match day it's been the same comment since 2013-14 interim manager positions to become available.

Louis King - More media hype over against-the-odds events
More needs to be done in the media when it comes to small clubs winning major trophies or getting an under dog promoted, should be more of a big thing, at the moment there's no difference if I win the CL with Man Utd or if I win it with Burnley. The media need to be more involved in-game with issue like above, showing shock and writing reports on controversial and stunning incidents. A variety of media reports and articles related to in-game events could see managers become more involved in the media.

Ryan O Donnell - More realistic Social Media
Dealing with the press needs to be improved, the social media side needs upgrading as well as I had a player score 7 goals in a match and still had 2 people on the social media thing complaining about him.

Manuele Celestiale - Revamp the media
Wipe all press conference talk, and create a new one from scratch. The current system is not immersive and you have memorized every possible question and answer within two in-game months.

Matt Rushton - More enhanced team talk interaction
More variety in team talks, but there needs to be more community aspects of the game. Managers and players get involved in that.

Tactical Improvements
Tactical Improvements can range from fixing certain roles to adding more instructions for your players to follow. Anything remotely linked to that is below.

Mark Urban Elvis - Better translation from training pitch to tactics
Training, more impact (realistic) on tactics created. We often see managers say that ‘things are going well on the training pitch’. This should be more clearly translated over time in-game so it feels we are having more of an impact during training, and that we can see it is clearly affecting players.

Nikolaj Brandt Jensen - More in-game tactical switches
Tactical options for defensive positioning without the ball and offensive options when in ball possession

Paul 'Polly' Brady - More variety of individual tactical instructions
More player instruction options, like they had on the very old cm 01/02 version, you had the option to have a player pass to his right/left/centre etc currently the player instructions are based too much on the team instructions.

Bugs or potential fixes
Anything that can be improved about certain features inside the game, including bugs, a lack of certain things or anomalies.

Steven Andrews - Longer managerial life spans
Patience from smaller clubs. I got villa to 8th and got sacked for not reaching my target of qualifying for Europa league. It seems managers are being relieved of their duties a lot more frequently this year than normal, and could be something SI look to improve in the upcoming FM. The manager could be given more patience and security during a season instead of being sacked early on, or if they fail to achieve objectives by minor margins.

Ian Beal - More realism in the transfer market
Selling players needs looking at. In real life players seem to go without much fuss. Try and sell a player on FM and it's nothing but grief.

AI Improvements
Anything to do with how the AI acts and thinks in your game. This can be in-game, transfers or any other form of AI Interaction.

John D. Hernández Rey - More fluid manager tactical changes
Make matches a challenge, preferably based on opponent's skill. I have FM16 and I remember a previous version, where managers like Guardiola or Klopp would change their tactics in the middle of a match just to mess up with your tactics. In FM16 they don't do this or do it rarely: when losing by a large margin if you are dominating (to avoid humiliation) or when winning in order to keep a score (about the last one I am not even sure). Also when they get a red card. The AI managers are quite clever when it comes to setting up their team's, but often lack tactical flexibility in-game, which leads to many unchallenging matches against weaker/poor opposition. Upping the amount of times the AI changes their tactics adds a sense of realism into the fixture.

Other new/improvements to features
These are features which aren't in the game already, but have been requested by FM fans on social media, or that aren't mentioned above and have been requested to be improved. It ranges from small to large scale additions.

Kapapula Bets - The inclusion of manager agents/negotiators
Managers also need agents like in real life.. surely I would also fancy you have Jorge Mendez to do all the contract negotiation for me. Why should I hustle looking for a job and doing contract negotiation end up being given a lower wage compared to other game managers who are even not close to what you have achieved.

Louis King - More training depth and better reflection of development
The training needs a massive overhaul, training at the moment is very average, needs to be specific to what you want the team to work on in training and you should be able to see the Improvements throughout the season.

Anders Daniel Hansen - Have a bigger impact on the financial side of running a club
To have more control in the commercial aspects in the game. For example, that the manager can involved in picking sponsors and others things like that. Being more involved in the financial side of the game us more control and makes that side of the game more important and routine for players. Controlling where your left over finances actually go will help massively in running the club, and can make things like improving youth, training and stadium facilities.

Cho Chon - Introduction of modern refereeing equipment
offside mistakes, something should be changed there. think about installing video surveillance to help understand was there an offside or not, should be fun! Adding this feature would help keep the game modern and up to dathe with the football rules, whilst making sure no refereeing mistakes occur in-game, which has been a problem for a few people this year.

Louis King - More managerial depth in international management
A lot more work needs to be done on international management, at the moment it's doll. Need to be able to train the players a week before international matches and cups.

Colm Kilbane - More realistic player issues
Would love to see more off the field controversy affecting the players. Having player issues in the game makes the experience as a football manager more realistic, dealing with the problems of keeping your players behaviour at bay and managing their lives on the pitch.

Frank Lynn - More versatility in stadium creation
Stadium Upgrades, the ability to pick what kind if stand you want built and to see it in stages of development. Like the old FA Premier League Manager 2001 game. Would be great to see FM18 do that. 



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